Kamis, 19 Juni 2014

Video Pembelajaran

The world of education has always evolves with the world. So also with the educational facilities more adequate and more complete. If the first schools to use makeshift means, now more complete. So that learning can be accomplished with maximum. Similarly, the media used in the teaching and learning process more complex. The development of the technology will eventually also penetrated the world of education. Many schools are now using this technology to facilitate learning in school. Technology in learning can be a means of learning, methods / media and as a learning resource for students. As a means of technology is a tool to facilitate learning. As a method / media technology innovator that learning becomes more interesting. Meanwhile, as a source of learning technologies in one of the providers of information for learners. 

To get more information about instructional video, you can click here.

In addition, this is the example product of Instructional Video entitled "Degree of Comparison" for 8th Grade of Junior High School. 

Good Luck! :)

Minggu, 08 Juni 2014

Offering, Accepting, and Refusing Something

Offering things in English is important for every time you want to be polite, host people at your home or work, etc. The phrases below cover both how to offer various items to your guests, as well as how to accept offers graciously. Use these phrases generously as you would treat your guests generously!
It's common to use both 'would you like' and modal forms such as 'Can I ...', 'May I ...' to offer something. Here are some of the most important phrases used to offer something:
 Can I get you some ...?
Would you like some ...?
May I offer you some ...?
Would you like me to get you some ....?

Person 1: Can I get you something to drink?
Person 2: Yes, that would be nice. Thank you.

Person 1: May I offer you some tea?
Person 2: Thank you.

NOTE: Always use 'some' words when offering someone something.


How about some ...?
What about some ...?
What do you say about some ...?
Are you up for some ...?

Example Informal Dialogues

Person 1: What about something to drink?
Person 2: Sure, do you have any scotch?

Person 1: Are you up for some dinner?
Person 2: Hey, thanks. What's on the menu?!

Accepting Offers

Accepting offers is just as important, or even more important than offering things. Make sure to thank your host. If you don't want to accept an offer, be sure to politely refuse. Offering an excuse is also a good idea in order not to offend your kind host.

The following phrases are commonly used when accepting offers:

Thank you.
I'd love to.
I'd love some.
That would be nice.
Thank you. I'd like ...

Example Dialogues

Person 1: May I get you something to drink?
Person 2: Thank you. I'd like a cup of coffee.

Person 1: Would you like me to get you some food?
Person 2: That would be nice. Thank you.

Politely Refusing Offers

Thank you, but I'm on a diet.
That's very kind. Unfortunately, I ...
I'd like to, but ...

Example Dialogues

Person 1: Would you like some cookies?
Person 2: Thank you, but I'm on a diet.

Person 1: How about a cup of tea?
Person 2: I'd like to have a cup of tea. Unfortunately, I'm late for a meeting. Can we make a rain check?

Adapted from: http://esl.about.com/od/smalltalk/a/Offering-Something.htm

10 Beautiful Tourism Places in the World

God's created world is made ​​up of many places - a beautiful place without human intervention even already looks beautiful and inviting admiration of many people. Although there are indeed some of the most beautiful places in the world which is an area with buildings - buildings and facilities which of course rarely can be found in any place. 10 most beautiful places in the world is always crowded with people and be a tourist destination is never empty of visitors.

The following are the 10 most beautiful places in the world:

It is a place located between the sea inserts a very steep slope. The fjord reaches more than 1,300 meters below sea level and 2,000 meters above sea level.


The falls were great and it's also well known as hydroelectricity. Because of the magnitude of this waterfall, divided up into three sections, namely: Horseshoe falls on the Canadian side and the American falls and Bridal Veil in the U.S.



A book with the title "the snows of Kilimanjari" by Ernest Hemingway written that Mount Kilimanjaro is a mountain which is the widest in the world with a very large size, and high and white. This mountain is one of the mountains in Africa that still have glaciers today.



So beautiful, this place is well known as a paradise on earth. The road - a small road flanked by large mountains make everyone feel a little into this place.


A writer from Germany, August Kopisch is the first to emnulis about the beauty of the Blue Grotto cave. blue color created by sunlight that penetrates the seabed and then reflected toward the sea surface.


Name Bora - Bora evokes images of a mythical paradise. It is one of the parts of the Leeward islands group. This place is a paradise for divers and nature lovers.

7. RIO DE Janero - BRAZIL

Rio de Janero name mean river in January. Rio is situated between the mountains and the Serra da Bocaina sea. Tropical rainforest surrounds almost the entire surface of the mountain so that more beautify scenic hills here.


This place is one of the 7 wonders of the world dar where the wall was built in about 100 years awaktu to rely more than 2000 years ago. This wall was built to protect the Chinese Empire from people - people in the northern Xiongnu.


Many foreigners who think that Indonesia is a part of Bali. The place is known as the paradise island does have a myriad of tourist attractions which drew the attention of many foreign and domestic tourists.

10. THE meteors - GREECE

Meteors are monasteries built on pillars of stone. There are 6 monastery which is the largest monastery complex in Greece. Pillar - stone pillars had actually been formed since 60 million years ago.

adapted from: http://carapedia.com/tempat_terindah_dunia_info2652.html